Responsibility leads to courage: Journey of Courage 2017 – Day 26

Copyright Tam Black 2015
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Guiding Thought

We are responsible! We are able to respond with and through conscious awareness of our inner-centered, silent knowingness, moment by moment. Anchored in the inner harmony, we face our own thoughts and actions with courage.


Why do I need courage to face my own thoughts and actions, especially if I am anchored in inner harmony?

Ahh. I see it now. It has to do with responsibility. (duh!).

Responsibility itself takes courage. There is a part of A Course in Miracles that talks about how poorly we have been taught (because of where we have placed our faith and reliance), and how poorly we have thus created. Creating poorly means creating from fear, from separation–which means that as we create situations out of fear and separation, we experience fear and separation. We must unlearn how we have taught ourselves, and shift our faith and reliance from ourselves to the Holy Spirit, so that we create from Love and Oneness.

This is a learning process. It’s not like we can just wake up one day and say, “OK, I’m going to create 100% from Love today”. (Maybe some people can do this, but so far, not me, and believe me, I’ve been working on it.) And then, even when we begin to create from Love, there are still effects from past fear-creations that may come up in our experience. So, the process is two-fold: Create NOW from Love; transmute effects of the past through Love. I suppose in a way, these are both the same thing, because NOW is the only operative time-frame.

What this asks us to do, though, is to be responsible for everything we encounter, whether it’s the effect of a past mistake, or a pure-in-the-moment creation. We must respond to everything with and through conscious awareness, and Love.

Dealing with past mis-creations in the moment especially requires attention and strength–be vigilant! It’s like pouring water through a pipe that is all gunked up on the inside. The more pressure you use, the faster the gunk washes away. The more frequently you respond with Love, the more you will be creating from Love. The faster and more frequently you can respond with Love–especially in a situation that is fear-based–the faster and more frequently you will experience the effects of your Love.

However, if you try to wash the gunk away using just a trickle, it will not move out and through the pipe very fast. If you spend 5% of your time thinking Loving thoughts, creating from Love, the return will be only 5%. If you continually respond to fear-based situations with fear, your trickle has turned to a drip.

I know, I know, I get it. Responding to fear with Love is one of the hardest things to be aware of, and to accomplish. When someone is accusing you of something that you didn’t do…when someone is hostile toward you…when, from nowhere, someone flings a psychic attack of guilt or not-good-enough or unworthy…FIRST you must get to the point where you can recognize the falsehood: You are an amazing beautiful being, fully Loved, fully worthy, innocent of ALL transgressions, no matter what “they” say. You are worthy and deserving of every good thing, all beauty, all abundance, and all kindness. Don’t let anyone ever tell you or try to convince you otherwise–Reject their falsehoods! Let no one tell you lies about yourself!

When you can recognize your worth, your beauty, and your strength, in the face of someone else’s hostility, you have become conscious of your anchor of inner harmony. Hold that space. Stand strong in that space. If that is all you can do, when faced with hostility, it’s enough. Don’t give in to fear; keep fear at bay. That’s enough.

But keep getting stronger. Keep working. Because as you do, you will not just stand, you will speak and act with Love and compassion, even in the face of fear, hostility, or attacks.

That is courage…and how responsibility leads to it.

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